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Subject : 
CV211 / OS support
Description : 
I've purchased the CV211 to be used on a Mac computer, however once I've connected the device to the computer, I cant see the JavaClient.jar application that should be on the storage for remote connectivity. 
How can I get that software or does it have to be used only on Windows?
Solution : 
CV211 works with Windows, Linux OS, and Mac on the laptop, no operating system limitation on a target computer. 
Note : Mac laptops are supported by CV211 firmware v1.0.076 or higher 

Related FAQ : 
CV211 / MAC PC launch CV211 viewer
How to utilize Java client to connect CV211 under Linux?
CV211 / JAVA version
KL/KH/KN series Login failed when running javaclient or winclient?
CV211 / KVM Switch compatibility

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